Tuesday, November 11, 2003
sleep please!
So I said to myself last night while going to bed (or this morning, if you want to get all technical): "Self! You've worked hard today! I'm not going to set my alarm, so that you can sleep in as long as you like!"

Seems like a good plan, no? Yeah, self slept in until 8:02am. Tsk. Way to sleep in. 5 hours of sleep and I feel worse than I did before I went to sleep. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I feel like hell.
I tried to go back to sleep, but it was too late. Once I gained consciousness I was made aware of my need to use the washroom, and of my grumbling, roaring stomach. Once that happens, there is no going back to sleep.
So screw it, I'm gonna shower and head back into work, what can I do.

Here, I'll leave you with this little present: you can dissect a frog online, using a virtual frog!! it's the damnedest thing!

Also, much of the world will be pausing for a moment today to remember the men and women that were lost in war. I will remember, and I will make an effort today to be more aware and grateful for the freedoms I have because of those who fought for them; I encourage others to do the same. Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, whatever you want to call it. Let us not forget.

"We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields."