Tuesday, November 09, 2004
my life through a lens (part one)
I don't have time to write a real post until tonight. Meanwhile, let me offer you some pictures, as requested in the post from yesterday; if you prefer, you can just skip right to my photoblog to see it all, or if you are looking for something in particular :

Tzaddi, here is a picture of one of my favourite places to hang out (with bonus pictures here and here). And here are pictures of my three tattoos here, here, and here. I still owe you a pic of my favourite candy. I have not forgotten but I (a) have to decide on my favourite, which is tough, and (b) need to go take a pic of it once I have settled on which is my favourite. I'll let you know when those pics are up.

Dave B, here are pics of my front door here and here, with a picture of the view from my living room window. I completely forgot to take a picture of my favourite spot to sit in my home. I'll post it soon, and let you know.

And for Rat..... a picture of my mouse pad. Enjoy!

And SAM, I didn't get yours until this morning...so your suggestions will be in the next batch. You're a man after my own heart, with the suggestion of the contents of my fridge! I love seeing what people keep in their fridges. ;-)

Keep them coming folks, this has been most amusing. And deep down inside, I know you're all voyeurs. :-P