Sunday, December 21, 2003
How do I love Princess Blondie and Bruno? Let me count the ways...
I'm just wondering if life gets much better than this. I have people in my life right now that have a way of making me feel SO damn loved. Princess Blondie and her boyfriend Bruno have been playing nicky nicky nine doors every morning now, leaving a little Chanukah present for me to find when I open the door. It's just about the sweetest thing I have ever had anyone do for me (day after day! lol). It amuses me to think of how fast they must move in order to knock on my door and then get back into their apartment before I get to the door. This time I was given a wonderful little day to day calendar called "A Little Joy, A Little Oy". It's awesome!! *sigh* {I love you guys!!! Thank you so much!!!} This has been the bestest Chanukah ever, thanks to them. :-)

And like I doesn't get much better than this. Last night I gathered with my friends and had an awesome time. I have tried a few times now to explain the great love and bond I have with this large group of friends, but words don't seem to do justice in describing how I feel. I guess the best way is to say that when I gather with them I feel like I've come home. We are *so* comfortable with each other, as our bond runs 15 years deep, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I come alive when I am with these people....and I remember who I am and where I've been.
Since it was a potluck we all brought some food to contribute to the evening, which always makes it fun. And like any family gathering, we are all in the kitchen getting the food ready and setting the table. I love it. And we all pitch in cleaning up with shifts rotating between playing cards, and cleaning up. We laughed, we played cards, we drank, and we exchanged gifts. Everybody got to go home with a present in hand, a belly full of laughs and food, and a song in their hearts. This morning I am feel extremely tired, but very happy.

Today I am meeting with a select group of girls from the same friends from last night, in order to exchange more gifts. We just can't get enough it would seem. lol. So we're meeting for pancakes and coffee. Good, I could use a little caffeine.
And THEN I have a friend coming in from out of town to stay overnight with me. She's part of my 20 year friendship alumni. Not too many of those!! Gotta hang on tight to keep them that long. *wink*
I hope everyone has been having a great weekend. Tonight I light the third candle. :-)