Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Okay, first of all I would like to draw attention to a website called Israel 21C, a site that "focuses beyond the conflict". It's a fantastic site that shows how life is in Israel, with everything from human interest stories, to stories about the tv shows there (like the Israeli version of Sesame Street that teaches that Israelis and Arabs can be friends. Or their version of "Big Brother", known in Israel as "Project Y"), to stories about Israel's contributions to the advances in the medical world. I highly recommend this site for those wanting to see Israel in a different light...a light other than the war torn country it is portrayed as in the media. I have put a permanent link to it in my sidebar as well. Please, show it a little support and go visit!

Now then, on with what's going on in my little world (for those still interested! lol). My mood is considerably better today. Princess Blondie and I went out after work yesterday and did a little shopping. It was nice. :-) A little sistah time is always good for the soul. Bitching about life and spending some money really seems to do the trick. LOL. We are a pair of women that are easily made happy.

After our outing we went back to her apartment and had dinner with her boyfriend BRUNO. I say BRUNO in capital letters because in prior entries I have posted I often referred to him as Princess Blondie's "beau". He expressed to me recently that he felt somewhat slighted when reading my blog and found that he had no real name. LOL. I told him that from time to time I had called him Uno, but if he felt like I was leaving him out too much I would start calling him by his name. That name again: BRUNO. Got it? lol
Anyway, BRUNO made a wonderful chicken chowder in the crock pot, and it was deeeelicious!! Hear that ladies? A man who likes to make food! How sweet is that?? Yeah too bad, he's taken, so you can forget about him. :-P THANKS FOR THE DINNER, BRUNO!! It was tasty!

As for me....I am going to try my hand at dinner as well. I have invited Lucky over for dinner tomorrow night, so I'm going to do my best not to poison him. That would make for a lousy second date, now wouldn't it? lol Lucky...you're a brave man!
I think just to be sure the date goes well, I'll include potatoes on the menu...I hear dem Irish like da potaties! :-P (I oughtta know!) Any other suggestions?

In local news, there was an incident at the Uptown theatre yesterday. The Uptown was an old theatre built in Toronto in 1920, originally used for stage shows, but later used as a cinema, and a mainstay for the Toronto Film Festival (the second largest film festival, I might add!). It was a gorgeous old theatre, and I am particularly sad that it was set for demolition as I saw the very last film shown there; it was the last night of the Toronto Film Festival in September, and also my birthday. It made it a doubly special occasion, and the audience in the theatre that night was very somber as we knew this would be the last film ever shown in that theatre.
Anyway, despite attempts to stop it from being demolished, demolition began and yesterday a terrible accident took place on site; a wall from the Uptown collapsed and killed one man, and injured 15 others, many of them children. The wall fell through the roof of a school next door, caving it in, and trapping many. I was stunned when I clicked on CNN.com yesterday and found it splashed across the main page. The families of the victims are in my thougts and prayers today; it's a sad accident that didn't need to happen. An investigation is of course underway.

In other news there was a murder overnight, just down the street from me. When I drove by this morning on my way to work there were police cars *everywhere* and they had the whole street taped off. I had to take an alternate route around it. Oh the drama! I feel terrible for this family as well....this will make for rough holidays this season for them. It seems that a 17 year old boy stabbed his father (or some other relation in the family, they aren't specifying at this time). They found the man dead on the sidewalk. *sigh* So sad.

It's stuff like this, right in my own neighbourhood, that helps to remind me that hey...my life isn't so bad.