Wednesday, April 14, 2004
look me in the EYE and tell me you hate me, you cowards!!!!!!!!!
It makes me sick to my stomach. Meryl's synagogue has been vandalized, in yet another act of anti-semitism. The problem is growing, folks, and it's making me nervous. And angry. These cowardly acts are so pathetic and passive-aggressive that it does nothing more than demonstrate how ignorant the people are that we are dealing with here. It has to stop, and I'm not sure what to do to help stop it. I'm wide open to suggestions.....

And while children here may collect Scooby-Doo stickers and baseball cards, Palestinian children collect stickers depicting bloody scenes of violence and the 'martyrs' behind such acts (hat tip: Israellycool). And we wonder why there will never be peace in the Middle East? Palestinian children are taught at a young age that violence and Jew killing is the way to go, and that you will be rewarded justly. This is quite a different approach from the one Israel takes in which their version of Sesame Street teaches that Jews and Arabs can get along....and even be friends! Just one more sign showing which side wants peace...and which really doesn't.

Meanwhile I am at home busy being sick. My throat is on fire and I can't seem to put it out. Last night I watched a movie called Devil's Backbone and it was pretty good. It's a Spanish film by the same director who just brought Hellboy to the theatre. If you don't mind subtitles, check it out. It's a spooky movie set in Spain in the 1930's, about a ghost in an orphanage. Ooooo...chilly scary! :-) Anyway, I still have some movies to keep me busy today while I find some way to tackle these cooties. And maybe I'll check back here a bit later...

Oh, and for real amusement go read the best opinion/editorial piece I have ever read, by an American giving a view on Canadians.