Monday, February 02, 2004
Hellya, I'm in a good mood. Last night I spent some time loitering across the hall in my neighbour's apartment, and then three of us (me, Princess Blondie and her beau Bruno) watched a movie (Bend it Like Beckham) and then we watched Survivor. woot woot!!! We had lotsa fun.

And today...I dunno, I didn't dread heading into work like I normally do. I've just been in this fine mood that cannot be shaken, even by my unhappiness with my job. On a MONDAY no less! Unbelievable. So work went by quickly since I actually had work to do, and that kept me busy all day. That's good, I like being productive instead of just sitting at my computer all day trying to look busy.
Then after work I got in the door at the same time as Princess Blondie and I was invited over to her apartment to have a wonderful dinner that Bruno had made. Fun times with the neighbours!! Hee. I love them so.

In fact, I'm in SUCH a good mood that I finally knuckled down and did my resume and cover letter for this scuba shop job I want. This has me pretty excited, I hope I get it (even if it means I'll be working like a dog...probably have to give up weekends, and put in a 50 - 60 hour work week between the two jobs). I'll do my best not to drop to my knees and beg him for the job, but one never knows what I will do in a stressful situation. I shamelessly begged for the job I had before my current one, and luckily the guy had a sense of humour and gave it to me. Sometimes you just gotta straight out ask for what you want (or beg and plead). Anyway, I'm not going to have time to drop it off until Wednesday, which is killing me now that I finally have it ready. So until then..... *fingers crossed*

I just remembered that I am expecting a huge grocery delivery sometime between 9 - 10:30pm. Yeeha!! Food can *only* improve my already stellar good mood. Food makes me happy. lol And I think $140 worth of groceries can likely buy my happiness for quite some time, don't you?

Anyway, I don't have anything of any real value to say today, and I think I'll give you guys a break from my usual Israel rants. I will be pretty busy again tomorrow, including taking my beloved grandma to a doctor's appointment in the afternoon and then Hebrew class at night (which ALWAYS makes me a happy girl).

Oh, and one quick question....what the hell happened with Janet Jackson and that freestylin' right breast of hers?? hahaha......I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh, that was hilarious.