Thursday, June 22, 2006
all quiet on the Western front..
I'm feeling quiet these days, have you noticed? It started with my last post in which I mentioned that people I don't want reading this blog are, in fact, doing just that. That realization gave me reason to pause and think about what I say on here. Now I have to choose what I share more carefully, and that makes me kind of sad...

Otherwise, things are good; work? good. home? good. car? good. love? good. All seems right, and I have no real complaints. Perhaps I am a better blogger when I am all angry and disenfranchised with life, no? I spent last weekend moping quite a bit (I needed to throw a pity party because I'm not getting my way on a few matters. lol) but this weekend there shall be no time for moping. I am heading up north to once again combine work with pleasure. Today and tomorrow I will be working while staying at my grandma's, but the rest of the weekend will be spent fishing. As many of you may know, the last weekend in June is always reserved for my grandma as it is the opening of fishing season. She's been waiting all winter for this, and it's a tradition going back over 20 years now. Bring on the fish!!

This Sunday is the Pride Parade in Toronto which I have traditionally gone to for the last... I don't know... 8 years? It's always such a party and so damn much fun, but I'm not sure I'll be going this year. We'll see what time I get back from grandma's. If I do, I will post pictures on my photoblog as always. So... on the road until Sunday, back for a day on Monday and then I catch a plane on Tuesday for New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island on the Canadian east coast for work (training a new employee). Woo hoo!

Have a great weekend, everyone!