Monday, June 20, 2005
another week begins...
Well, my weekend was good and bad all at the same time. The bad? Got pretty sick and I think I am battling some real bad-ass cooties. I am on extremely strong antibiotics to ward off this infection, and the drugs are knocking me on my ass and making me feel green around the gills. I cannot afford to get sick right now, I have too much fundraising and planning to do.

However, the weekend was marked by the happiest of events.... Princess Blondie's wedding. I took pictures of course, so if you are interested here's a pic of the most gorgeous bride and groom I have ever laid eyes on, here's the bride just glowing, and here's the bride and I celebrating at her reception. It was a great day, I just wish I had been feeling better... I ended up bailing early at the reception to go to bed. I don't get sick for 8 months and then I get sick on the day of my best friend's wedding??? Cruel, I tells ya...... cruel.

Now, on to the news of my trip to Israel..... ok, well, if I had news I would tell you. I was promised a call on Sunday regarding my financial aid application but I never got it. I'm starting to get a little impatient, I must say. My whole future hinges on this so it would be nice to know what's going on. Meanwhile I would like to say a *huge* thank you to Larry in Virginia (his wife has a blog here) for his generous order for my snazzy fundraising bracelets. THANK YOU!! That brings the bracelet count up to 93. Can't we sell at least 100??

It seems that support has dwindled down to nearly nothing now as people have forgotten about me and moved on, and now I am scrambling to continue to raise funds. I am not anywhere near where I wanted to be in terms of money raised so I am going to have to come up with some new ideas to get this going again. Panic about money is beginning to settle in again and I need to get a gameplan together if I'm going to keep this dream alive.

Come on folks.... I need your help desperately. Click the "help celestial blue" button for details and a link to buy a bracelet. If not then please pass the link along to anyone you know who might be interested in helping out. There is great power in news spread by "word of mouth".

UPDATE: I just got a call from Deborah (of Livnot) to tell me that she's working her butt off to get me an answer with regard to financial aid for my trip. That was mighty nice of her to call to say she had no answer as of yet. lol She promised she'd call when she finds out... I'll hold you to that! Toda raba for working behind-the-scenes on my behalf, I appreciate it.
And now I am going home and back to bed. Feeling feverish and unwell. Have a good week everyone!