Friday, May 20, 2005
I'm sorry if I had you all worried yesterday.... I was just extremely upset and needed to take a day to collect myself before writing again. I got a call first thing yesterday morning from my best friend Princess Blondie (you all know her as my Survivor buddy) to tell me she had lost her baby (she was only in her first trimester of pregnancy). We sat and cried together on the phone and I struggled to find words to console her at such a tough time. The fact that I had only 4 hours sleep the night before (thanks to that late night viewing of the new Star Wars movie) made everything that much more dramatic in my world and I spent the rest of the day crying off and on. When my friends hurt *I* hurt and I was absolutely crushed for her and her great loss. After a day at the hospital yesterday she is at home today and I am hoping to sneak out of work early to go spend some time with her.

I am going to leave my posting at that... I still can't muster a fun post about Star Wars at such a time. I just want those of you who are reading and have kids to go home and give your kids a big hug and a kiss.... be grateful for your little miracles, because not everyone is so lucky.

have a great weekend. Shabat Shalom.