Tuesday, July 20, 2004
pissing contest
I don't think I need to go on another rant about Israel do I? New Zealand is pissed off at Israel. France is pissed off at Israel. Lebanon is pissed off at Israel. Palestinians are pissed off at Israel and each other. It's a mess over there. If you are interested in what's going on I once again urge you to check out Israellycool, Meryl Yourish, Boker Tov, Boulder!, or any of the other fine blogs in my blogroll that discuss Israeli topics (though I suspect if you are interested in Israel you are likely already reading those blogs anyway).

Meanwhile, I have my own grief. In a spectacular move this morning I have managed to put my back out, rendering it difficult to do much at all now. It started with an innocent morning stretch while at my computer reading news and checking my e-mail. Before I knew it I felt a stabbing twinge down the left side of my back and I soon found myself flat on my back on the floor in an effort to stop the spasming muscle. I have a lot of health problems that come and go, but this was a new one for me. Soon I found that I wasn't much able to get up off the floor because everytime I made a move I was gripped by pain. Part of me was laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation, part of me was in a mild panic. So I did what many would do...I called my mom. It was not easy to get my phone, requiring a little crawling in order to accomplish the task, and after succeeding I reverted to laying flat on my back. I called my mom at home...no answer. I called her cellphone.....she answered.

"Where are you?" I asked
"I just left my house. What's wrong?" she knows I don't call at 7:30am unless something is amiss.
"Oh mommy.. ..I've hurt my back and I can't get off the floor" (spoken in the most pathetic tone imaginable in order to gain maximum sympathy)
"Do you want me to come over?" (she knows I never call her mommy, unless I want or need something. otherwise I call her by her first name. don't ask.)

Anyway, she came over and got me off the floor and into my lounge chair, rubbed my back, put an ice pack on it and gave me some Robaxacet.
FUN, hunh?? After that I napped for another hour (muscle relaxers have a funny way of doing that to a person) and then eventually I dragged myself into work, 3 hours late. Now I'm wishing I had just stayed home coz it hurts.

Speaking of whiners, seems I'm not the only one trying to find my place in the world. Looks like my generation is facing the age old question of "is this it??". Check out the article here. Seems Generation X is still trying to figure out to be when they grow up.