Wednesday, August 11, 2004
the end of "relative quiet"
Reports are just coming in about a terrorist attack in Israel. The bombing was on the northern border of Jerusalem, and as it stands now it looks like it killed 2 people and wounded 7 others. However reports are conflicting at this early stage....

Update: A day after the bombing, Jerusalem is still on a high terror alert. Details have come out about this latest attack and it shows that the system in Israel works much of the time; the army was alerted to a terrorist warning that someone might try and infiltrate into Jerusalem with a bomb and so they put up a surprise roadblock/checkpoint. Sure enough the terrorists were unable to get in so they placed their bomb between two cars that were waiting in line to get through the checkpoint, and when soldiers approached the cars it was detonated (do the math, folks. it means they were watching from a distance). Interestingly enough it didn't kill any Israelis, instead killing 2 Palestinians (19 others were wounded, including 6 Israeli border officers). Of course the Palestinians refused to believe that one of their own did it, instead choosing to blame the Israelis. Hmmmm.. if the Israelis did it, how come the terrorists are (oops!) apologizing for killing a few of their own people? Sounds a lot like confessing to me...