Friday, January 13, 2006
The Promised Post
- I like Friday the 13ths because they have always been lucky for me, probably because I was born on a Friday the 13th.

- "The Pope used an audience of local politicians on Thursday to reiterate the Roman Catholic Church's objections to both abortion and gay marriage." This is why I don't like the Pope very much. His stance on gays has to change. Remember when we thought blacks, Jews and women shouldn't be allowed to vote? Remember how 'the powers that be' thought it was out of the question and ridiculous? See how that's a right not a privilege? Gay people have just as much right to get married as anyone else, and I hope one day we look back on this issue with the same disbelief as we do when we recall women's fight to be allowed to vote. Come to think of it the Conservatives have the same stance on the gay and abortion issues, and that would be just a couple of the reasons why they will never get my vote.

- So how amused was I to find this next article *right* underneath that last one about the Pope: "Sony Music has announced the launch of a record label focusing on gay, lesbian and transgendered artists. The label, known as Music With a Twist, will feature established gay and lesbian artists from all musical genres who already have mass appeal, and will also nurture new and emerging talent. Plans also include the release of compilation albums of hit songs adopted by gay, lesbian and transgendered audiences." Yeeha! Cher, Kelly Clarkson and Liza Minelli sales are gonna go through the roof! Take that, you mean Pope!

- new blogs I'll be adding to my blogroll: The Shane Life, dreams and false alarms, Samantha Burns, and Tzfat/Safed.

- OK, raise your hand if you are just a little bit tired of the reports about Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and what he is doing now (ie: "today he moved a finger" or "he shifted his right leg" kind of reports). Yes, I feel bad that the man is in the hospital and I mean no disrespect here... but how about reporting when there's actually *something* to report?

- job news.... oh right, there isn't any yet. I didn't get the call. No I am not worried, more like irritated coz now I gotta wonder about it all weekend and I can't move forward with any financial planning. I ran out of money long ago so I need an answer soon.

- If you watch the tv show "Lost" feel free to hop on over to Occasional Bitch's post about the recent episode. Beware there are spoilers.. kinda... so if you haven't watched it yet don't go (though I suspect it will just cause confusion, not so much spoil it. lol).

- I will have to get back to my theory on why I'll be murdered one day because I don't feel like typing it out now.

- I have found my dream restaurant and it's name is Cereality. If I had the money I would totally buy a franchise.

- I'm in a totally foul mood right now. In the last 24 hours I have found a bounced cheque from last September that my friend (who is living in my apartment) gave my mother to put into my account to cover the bills for the apartment while I was in Israel. And I just got a parking ticket in the mail from when he borrowed my car last month. He neglected to mention to me that he got a ticket under my name, let alone pay it. This does *not* bode well for us becoming roommates as was the original plan and what he's hoping will happen March 1st. We are going to have a big talk this weekend (aka: a "come to Jesus" meeting) and it's not going to be good for him. His financial situation is putting up some red flags for me and I am seriously reconsidering this plan.

- if any other blogger received a peculiar email from the guy who runs the website AgoraVox, please let me know. I am curious to see how many people he contacted about writing for the english version that is coming out soon and who else's blog he took parts of to publish on his site. I'm not sure what the deal is with this so I would like to know anyone else's take on it.

- I am *very* disappointed by the low number of people that De-Lurked the other day on De-Lurking Day. Shame on you, I know you're still hiding. Now come out and say hi.

- in response to ChicagoG's question, no a third date with Lawyer Guy has not been established yet, though we did talk on the phone yesterday.

- hey, did you vote for me recently? You can vote every 3 days y'know! so go on, hug a Jew today! click here.

- Shabbat Shalom, all!