Thursday, October 06, 2005
blogger business
a few things of blogging interest:

1) apparently I very nearly met another blogger, IfYouWillIt, by accident on Tuesday night. As most of you know by now we (in this Livnot program) are sent out to host families in the area for shabat and holiday dinners. As it turns out one of the girls in my program met IfYouWillIt at a Rosh Hashana dinner! Too bad I wasn't the one that was sent to that host family, we could have had an accidental meeting of bloggers! I'll drop you a line when I am back in Jerusalem, my friend!

2) I have added 2 new blogs to my blogroll. dark1r is written by a fellow who briefly spent time with me in the Livnot program. I adore him very much and I think you should go show him a little love by stopping by. Say hi and tell him I sent you. The other blog I have added is Dry Bones; some of you may already know the cartoons from the Jerusalem Post, and if you don't head on over for some funny political cartoons!! Great writing and great humour.